Simon Roberts

I'm looking into pattern languages as part of an effort to research practices for Industrial Sustainability. See here...


Although my research field is looking into sustainable manufacturing practices,  it is becoming increasingly clear to me that society needs less 'best practice' and more 'unconventional solutions'.


I recently came across Christopher Alexander's oringinal works and what are group have done since then in computer science and other realms to champion the use of patterns.. I was inspired by the work here on visualising the original patterns...

Also with this project...

and this one...


I see patterns as a means of transitioning towards the more unconventional solutions, given that they can evolve depending on when and where they are applied but learning can still be shared based on the understanding of the general problem that needs to be solved. 


Hopefully I can help share some insights as I conduct my own research - would be really interested to hear about how the patterns on this site are formed / shortlisted how they are shaped.


Wheeled by Wagn v. 1.12.13