Submit a research offer

Current Revision posted by Tom Henfrey on May 1, 2014 12:24:22
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To make a research offer available in the marketplace , you need to have a site account.

This allows  marketplace users to see who has contributed which offers, and the site organisers to make sure things are up to date.


If you already have an account you can go right ahead, following the link you consider more appropriate:

[[/card/new?type=Research_Offer_from_a_Researcher|If you are submitting your offer as a researcher or representing a research organisation]]

[[/card/new?type=Research_Offer_from_a_Community_Group|If you are submitting your research offer on behalf of a community group]]


If this does not work, it is probably because your account is not configured correctly - you will need to [[Contact|contact a site administrator]] to sort this out. Also contact us if you want to take a role in organising the marketplace.


The Research Marketplace is largely self-organised, so users have a certain level of responsibility. You will need to be able to follow up on any interest in your research offer by replying to those who contact you about it, updating the entry if things change, and taking down any offers that are no longer current.

Having an account is part of this basic level of commitment and is necessary for the marketplace to work as intended.


If you need an account, you can [[/account/signup/|sign up]] now. Please include a short biography and explanation of why you are interested in the site.

Account requests are moderated to keep the site free of spam. As the site is currently maintained by volunteers your request may not be processed immediately, so please bear with us on that. You will receive an email once your account has been approved.


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