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Help text people will see when adding cards.
Research Offer from a Researcher Please provide as much or as little information as you feel appropriate. All fields are optional, apart from 'Name'.
key related patterns A list of the patterns that commonly co-occur with this one: those of larger scope it tends to fill out, those of smaller scope that ...
picture A picture that in some way illustrates the pattern.
description A short (1 or 2 sentence) description of the pattern - a subheader to the pattern name.
confidence A star rating that shows how confident the design team is that the pattern is part of the language: one star indicates that the pattern ...
relationship notes A textual description of the relationships between this pattern and those listed above.
discussion Discussion about the pattern, its content and its uses. Recommendations for changes and additions to content will be addressed by the design team, and the ...
scope Each pattern is assigned to one of four levels of generality, or scope: Value, Principle, Approach or ...
sources References to literature and other sources cited in the pattern description. Pattern descriptions should be fully referenced using standard academic formats.
index The Index is a unique identification number for each pattern, used for various searching and sorting functions. It takes the form A.BC, where A is ...
promote to Fruit This button promotes the pattern to the 'Fruit' stage of development - where it is in its final form, publishable in a written or other ...
problem This provides a basic summary description of the problem that this pattern addresses. Reading the name, problem and solution should be sufficient for a user ...
context This section describes the problem context: what is the source of the problem, and in what situations does it arise?
background This section expands upon the descriptions of context and problem, describes the evidence behind the identification of both problem and solution, and explains where and ...
solution This summarises the solution this pattern provides. Reading the name, problem and solution should be sufficient for a user to decide whether or not the ...
*type plus right
Cardtype+description A brief description (usually 1 or 2 sentences) of the card type
Research Offer from a Researcher+resources Are funding and other resources necessary for the research to proceed already in place? What resources can you provide, and what will you need from ...
Research Offer from a Researcher+issues Do you anticipate the research raising any issues (ethical, methodological, practical, etc.) that will need to be considered before deciding whether and how to proceed? ...
Research Offer from a Community Group+timescale Do you want or need the research to take place over a particular timescale? If so, please indicate the range of dates and explain the ...
User+picture Feel free to add a picture that looks like you or in some way represents you.
Research Offer from a Researcher+timescale Over what timescale do you expect your research to take place? If it is restricted to particular dates, for example by funders or dates of ...
Research Offer from a Community Group+concerns Please describe and explain any concerns you have about the proposed research.
Research Offer from a Community Group+description Please describe the research project you would like to undertake. Include as much or as little detail as feels appropriate.
Research Offer from a Researcher+description
Research Offer from a Community Group+patterns Please list the patterns you think are most relevant to this project.
Research Offer from a Community Group+discussion This space is for comments on the research offer and discussion about possible interest. You can also contact whoever made the offer if you want ...
Research Offer from a Researcher+discussion
Research Offer from a Community Group+needs What are the main needs of your group regarding this project?
Research Offer from a Community Group+organisation What is the name of the Transition group or other organisation on whose behalf you are submitting this request? Please include details of where it ...
Research Offer from a Researcher+patterns What patterns do you consider most relevant to this research?
Research Offer from a Community Group+resources What resources (financial and other) will be needed to do the research? Are these resources already in place?
Wheeled by Wagn v. 1.12.13