
Help text people will see when editing.
*help Help text people will see when editing.
*add help Help text people will see when adding cards.
key related patterns A list of the patterns that commonly co-occur with this one: those of larger scope it tends to fill out, those of smaller scope that ...
description A short (1 or 2 sentence) description of the pattern - a subheader to the pattern name.
confidence A star rating that shows how confident the design team is that the pattern is part of the language: one star indicates that the pattern ...
relationship notes A textual description of the relationships between this pattern and those listed above.
*captcha Anti-spam setting. Requires non-signed-in users to complete a captcha before adding or editing cards (where permitted).
*table of contents Autogenerate table of contents on cards with at least this many headers ("0" means never).
*autoname Autogenerate name for new cards by incrementing this value. more
*created Cards created by {{_left|name}}.
*edited Cards edited by {{_left|name}}.
*children Cards formed by "mating" {{_left|name}} with another card. eg: "{{_left|name}}+mate".
*includes Cards that {{_left|name}} includes.
*links to Cards that {{_left|name}} links to.
*refers to Cards that {{_left|name}} refers to.
*included by Cards that include {{_left|name}}.
*linked to by Cards that link to {{_left|name}}.
*referred to by Cards that refer to {{_left|name}}.
email config Configures email to be sent using flexible email.
*send Configures email to be sent when card is created. more
*structure Controls cards' content / structure. more
*layout Default page layout. more
*thanks Destination after card is created. more
discussion Discussion about the pattern, its content and its uses. Recommendations for changes and additions to content will be addressed by the design team, and the ...
*input Edit interface for Pointer cards.
*mates If there is a card named "X+{{_left|name}}", then X is a mate of {{_left|name}}.
picture If you have a better image for this picture, feel free to add it here. Use this carefully, as it will replace the existing picture ...
*option label Labels for Pointer radio button and checkbox items. more
sources References to literature and other sources cited in the pattern description. Pattern descriptions should be fully referenced using standard academic formats.
*default Template for initial type and content of new cards. more
Phase The phase in the research process at which this pattern is most likely to arise
problem This provides a basic summary description of the problem that this pattern addresses. Reading the name, problem and solution should be sufficient for a user ...
context This section describes the problem context: what is the source of the problem, and in what situations does it arise?
background This section expands upon the descriptions of context and problem, describes the evidence behind the identification of both problem and solution, and explains where and ...
solution This summarises the solution this pattern provides. Reading the name, problem and solution should be sufficient for a user to decide whether or not the ...
*editors Users who have edited {{_left|name}}.
*options Value options for Pointer cards. Can itself be a Pointer or a Search. more
*accountable When "yes", users permitted to create +*account cards can add accounts to these cards.
*comment Who can add comments.
*create Who can create new cards.
*update Who can edit cards.
*delete Who can remove cards.
*style Skin (collection of stylesheets) for card's page. more
*read Who can view cards in the set.
*type plus right
Research Offer from a Researcher+description
Cardtype+description A brief description (usually 1 or 2 sentences) of the card type
Research Offer from a Researcher+timescale Over what timescale do you expect your research to take place? If it is restricted to particular dates, for example by funders or dates of ...
Research Offer from a Community Group+concerns Please describe and explain any concerns you have about the proposed research.
Research Offer from a Researcher+organisation The organisation you are representing, if any: its name, purpose, location, web address - and any other information you think might be relevant.
Research Offer from a Researcher+discussion This space is for comments on the research offer and discussion about possible interest. You can also contact whoever made the offer if you want ...
Research Offer from a Researcher+patterns What patterns do you consider most relevant to this research?
*css Add custom CSS styling. more
*tinyMCE Configure TinyMCE, Wagn's default wysiwyg editor. more
*sidebar Sidebar content of Default Layout. more
Wheeled by Wagn v. 1.12.13